Safe glam for piddling girls

Christmas stocking filler alert!! Your niggling daughter volition honey Snails Nail Polish, as well as you lot fifty-fifty more!

This water-base blast smoothen for kids is 100% safe, it does non incorporate whatsoever toluene, formaldehyde, dibutylphthalate (DBP), bisphenol Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 (BPA). There is zilch toxic nigh this product, made from exclusively 3 ingredients Water, Acrylic Polymer & Non Toxic Colorants. Snails Kids are gratuitous from harsh chemic odors. Unlike other blast polish, Snails is the exclusively production that does non take whatsoever toxic blast smoothen remover. It volition come upward off amongst soapy water, which agency it's besides rubber for your carpet!

 I am only worried that Luella volition never desire to launder her hands!

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