Till Death Do Us Part: Woman shoots at hubby for downloading divorce papers

32-year-old Latoya Lewis from Racine County is facing multiple charges including First-Degree Attempted Intentional Homicide, Recklessly Endangering Safety as well as Battery for shooting at married adult man afterwards she caught him downloading divorce papers, CBS 58 reports.

Officers amongst the Racine Police Department arrived 1500 block of Taylor Avenue inwards Racine afterwards receiving a study of domestic dispute.

Upon arrival, constabulary located Lewis on the front end porch as well as her husband, the victim. After an officeholder noticed a large bulge inwards the husband's front end pocket, he stated: "I accept a .45 inwards my front end steal that Lewis was shooting inwards the house."

The married adult man also stated that Lewis fired the gun within the solid when their children were all the same inside.

An 11-year-old kid stated that her mom as well as the victim had been arguing when she heard ii gunshots.

The 11-year-old called 911 as well as went to piece of job out her uncle.

According to the criminal complaint, a 13-year-old, 8-year-old, as well as 1-year-old were also upstairs inwards a bedroom.

They heard the shots as well as were terrified, simply did non know who had fired them. The uncle stated that he lives ii blocks away as well as that this was the 3rd fourth dimension he had to come upwards to the dwelling when the yoke were fighting.

Officers conducted an interview amongst the victim who narrated that he is married to Lewis as well as they had been fighting due to Lewis finding out that he had been unfaithful.

He was upstairs downloading divorce papers when Lewis knocked his telephone out of his hands. According to the victim, Lewis began hitting him amongst her fists inwards his caput as well as face.

The victim told constabulary that inwards lodge to cease Lewis, he wrapped his arms approximately Lewis as well as took her to the flooring to concur her there. The declaration escalated as well as Lewis reached nether the bed as well as grabbed a firearm.

The victim stated that Lewis fired the gun ii times within the bedroom, explaining that when she fired the gun, she was standing past times the left side of the bed as well as he was standing v feet away, close the entry door to the room.

The victim also said he did non come across Lewis indicate the gun at him simply exclusively when she fired it as well as hence said: "Till expiry create us part!"

Officers asked the victim if he believed that Lewis would kill him. He said no simply added, "but the agency she was today, she was crazy, yous never know."

Lewis stated that she as well as her married adult man were arguing most him cheating on her.

She also stated that she did non know how the gun went off as well as that both of them had their hands on the gun during the argument.

Drugs were also industrial plant life inwards the home.

Lewis is immediately charged amongst 1 count of Attempted First-Degree Intentional Homicide, as well as three counts of First-Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety for each of the three children located inwards the following bedroom.

She's also charged amongst Domestic Battery as well as Possession of THC.

Sumber http://www.dnbstories.com/
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