Depressed Nigerian adult woman charged inwards courtroom for attempting suicide

A 51-year-old stuff dealer at Balogun Market, Titilayo Momoh, who attempted to fountain into the lagoon from Third Mainland Bridge, Lagos, was on Mon hauled upwardly earlier an Ebute Meta Chief Magistrates’ Court.

The accused, who was arraigned on a accuse of attempting to commit suicide, pleaded non guilty.

But the prosecutor, Sgt. Kehinde Omisakin insisted that the defendant committed the offence on March 24 at well-nigh 10.00 a.m. on the Third Mainland Bridge, Lagos.

He said the businesswoman was, however, prevented yesteryear safety operatives from committing suicide.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) learnt the defendant had been having sleepless nights since she was allegedly duped of N18.7 1 1000 one thousand yesteryear a Bureau-de-Change operator sometime inwards 2015.

The offence contravened Section 233 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State 2015.

The defendant may, on conviction, last sentenced to a life imprisonment according to the provisions of the section.

The Chief Magistrate, Mr A.T. Elias admitted the defendant to a bail of N500,000 amongst ii responsible sureties inwards similar sum.

Elias directed that the adult woman should last taken to a psychiatric infirmary for evaluation as well as adjourned the example until June 1 for the mention.

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