Rwandan presidential hopeful Diane Rwigara disappears afterwards constabulary raid

Diane Rwigara

An opposition figure who was barred from challenging Rwandan President Paul Kagame inwards end month's election has been "taken" past times police, her blood brother said Thursday, a claim authorities demand maintain denied.

Police officers took Diane Rwigara together with to a greater extent than or less of her menage unit of measurement members to an unknown place on Tuesday nighttime after raiding her solid inwards the Rwandan uppercase Kigali, her blood brother Aristide said.

An accountant together with political newcomer, Rwigara announced her intention inwards May to run inwards the August election against Kagame, who has held held de facto ability inwards Rwanda since 1994.

Nude photographs purporting to last Rwigara appeared online presently after she declared her candidacy. She was after disqualified on a technicality from running against Kagame, who went on to win his 3rd seven-year term amongst 99 pct of the vote.

Rwigara's menage unit of measurement nation the erstwhile candidate, her woman bring upwardly together with 4 siblings demand maintain been missing since the raid.

"I know for a fact that they were taken to a house I don't know. I don't know how they are. Their phones together with laptops summation the solid was searched spell they were held inwards handcuffs," Aristide Rwigara, who lives inwards the United States, said past times phone.

"This is virtually silencing my sis because she exposed to a greater extent than or less things together with she speaks her heed against the incorrect things that the regime of Rwanda is doing."

Rwandan police line denied arresting Rwigara.

"The rumour that is currently circulating that Diane Rwigara has been arrested is non true," said police line spokesman Theos Badege.

"What is truthful is that police line demand maintain conducted a search at her menage unit of measurement residence equally percentage of preliminary investigations on taxation evasion together with forgery."

Rwigara's manly mortal bring upwardly was a onetime ally of Kagame together with fiscal backer of the ruling party. He died inwards a auto crash inwards 2015, amongst menage unit of measurement members suspecting foul play.

Kagame showtime became de facto leader when his Rwandan Patriotic Front rebels halted a 1994 genocide. His long tenure has produced potent economical results only has been criticised for muzzling political opposition together with stifling complimentary speech.


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