You said ‘I belong to everybody’ simply the reality on terra firma is opposite - Catholic Priests rank President Buhari

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) has defendant President Muhammadu Buhari of non keeping to the hope of "national integration as well as cohesion" he made during his inauguration into utilisation inwards 2015 that he belongs to everybody as well as to nobody inwards particular.

In a arguing released today as well as signed yesteryear Ignatius Ayau Kaigama, president of the CBCN after a coming together inwards Taraba state, the clergymen said the inability of the federal authorities to address the inequitable province of affairs inwards the province has resulted inwards a breeding Earth for vehement reactions, protests, as well as agitations.

“In his initiatory spoken language every bit civilian president of Nigeria on 29 May 2015, the president sent out a message of hope as well as of his commitment to national integration as well as cohesion,” communique read.

“He said: ‘Having merely a few minutes agone sworn on the Holy Book, I intend to proceed my oath as well as serve every bit President to all Nigerians. I belong to everybody as well as I belong to nobody. H5N1 few people get got privately voiced fears that on coming dorsum to utilisation I shall larn after them. These fears are groundless. There volition last no paying off onetime scores.’ they reminded president Buhari of his statement.

“More than ii years later, the reality on Earth as well as the verdict of virtually of our people across the patch – irrespective of religious affiliation, ethnic grouping or social condition – request to the contrary. The inability of the authorities to address the inequitable province of affairs inwards the province has provided breeding Earth for vehement reactions, protests as well as agitations, which exploit the grievances of unlike segments of the country.

“We telephone squall upward on authorities at all levels to urgently address these anomalies, take everything that smacks of injustice, as well as give everybody as well as every constituent of our province a feel of belonging.

“We insist that merit as well as mightiness should last the principal criteria inwards making appointments as well as genuine needs the criteria for the distribution of amenities. We likewise urge the authorities to last e'er sensitive to the multi-religious as well as multi-ethnic configuration of the nation.”

The bishops expressed trace concern that the deployment of soldiers could growth “the nervousness with the public with the potential of igniting a burn downwards that could plough into an uncontrollable conflagration”.

“On the other hand, nosotros enjoin all aggrieved persons as well as groups to employ peaceful agency inside the framework of the existing laws of the Earth to limited their grievances or fifty-fifty practice legitimate pressure level on the Government. Care must last taken yesteryear all to avoid actions as well as utterances capable of causing however to a greater extent than or less other armed conflict inwards the patch or whatever of its parts,” the arguing said.

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