
Perfect Paleo Recipes For Athletes - Paleo Cookbook Series

Perfect Paleo Recipes For Athletes - When you consume foods we as humans have evolved to eat, while simultaneously eliminating the over processed sugar laden foods now linked to causing the many diseases we are faced with in soci…

What is Flexible Dieting?

Do you have to eat “clean” on a flexible diet or when you track macros? What about gluten-avoid? What other foods are not permitted. Flexible dieting or working with ‪#‎meetyour3macros‬ is NOT ABOUT having only the cleanest foods…

How to Cook for Vegan Guests - Vegan Breakfast Cookbook

How to Cook for Vegan Guests - Vegan Breakfast Cookbook. Many people are afraid to invite vegans over for a meal because, simply put they have no idea what to feed them. As a vegan you often get told “I’d love to have you have ov…

200 Metabolism - Boosting Dessert And Snack Recipes

200 Metabolism - Boosting Dessert And Snack Recipes. Most women, when they are finally exposed to the strategy I use to quell the desire for junk food are shocked to learn just how easy it is to reproduce the results. These same …

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