British politics is starting to resemble Alice inwards Wonderland on acid, amongst an increasingly weird variety of freaky characters, absurd not sequitur even lines, together with surreal twists together with turns. 

For the fourth dimension existence things are relatively stable, amongst a cucked Conservative Party hanging on to ability amongst the assistance of the DUP, together with heading piece of cake but reluctantly for the Brexit exit. 

But chaos lies simply beneath the surface...

The latest sentiment poll makes sobering reading, placing extreme Leftist loony Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party five points ahead of Theresa "Dead PM Walking" May's cucked Conservatives. 

The Panelbase/Sunday Times poll, published on Mon (26th June) set Labour on 46% (up five points since the Election), the Cons on 41% (down 3) together with the Lib Dems on 6% (down 2). Don't fifty-fifty inquire nigh UKIP.

If an election were held amongst these figures, Labour would buy the farm a massive majority. There is no overstating how insane this all is, but this is the natural number of a political arrangement that stifles smaller parties that people truly desire to vote for together with instead props upward hollowed-out mega parties from Britain's pre-multicultural past times that no longer brand feel inwards a gild separate along racial together with generational lines.

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