Wall Street Vs. Kremlin: Who Really Runs The White House?

(Tony CartalucciPerhaps the only affair to a greater extent than incredible than speedily expanding conspiracy theories regarding the Kremlin’s influence over the White House is who is selling them too who is buying them.

Related: Trump to Clean Out White House Cabinet? Priebus, Bannon, Spicer Could Be Fired

Source - Activist Post

by Tony Cartalucci, Oct 1st, 2017

Organizations popping upwardly overnight with advisory boards lined with Neo-Conservatives who came to prominence during the management of onetime U.S. President George Bush too who became notorious for selling the 2003 U.S. invasion of Republic of Iraq based on intentional fabrications, at nowadays discovery themselves edifice an audience of unlikely political allies – left-leaning liberals.

Who is Selling?

The so-called “Alliance for Securing Democracy” lately defendant Russian Federation of manipulating tidings to target the US-based National Football League (NFL). It claims in its mission statement that:
In 2016, American republic came nether unprecedented attack.
The authorities of the Russian Federation attempted to weaken the pillars of our republic too undermine faith too confidence inwards our society’s most key right — the powerfulness to pick out our ain leaders.

The organization’s “Disinformation Dashboard” fifty-fifty includes a disclaimer admitting naught most the information it presents constitutes evidence. Ambiguous damage similar “Russia aligned” are never qualified. Instead, it claims (emphasis added):
Content is non necessarily produced or created past times Russian authorities operatives, although that is sometimes the case. Instead, the network often opportunistically amplifies content created past times 3rd parties non straight linked to Russia. Common themes for amplification include content attacking the U.S. too Europe, conspiracy theories too disinformation. Russian influence operations also oft promote extremism too divisive politics inwards Western countries. Just because the Russia-aligned network monitored hither tweets something, that doesn’t hateful everyone who tweets the same content is aligned with Russia.
An organisation that accuses Russian Federation too inwards particular, President Vladimir Putin for undermining U.S. elections, inferring Russia’s responsibleness for Hillary Clinton’s defeat, counts amongst its advisory council Michael Chertoff, a Bush-era Neo-Conservative who served as President Bush’s Secretary of Homeland Security.

There is also David Kramer who served inwards the U.S. State Department nether President Bush, served as president of the Neo-Conservative chaired State Department front, Freedom House, too currently serves as a fellow member of the advisory council for the George W. Bush Presidential Center’s “Human Freedom Project.”

William Kristol, considered past times many as ane of the primary architects, or at to the lowest degree leading salesman of the 2003 Republic of Iraq War, also chairs the Alliance for Securing Democracy advisory board. He was a signatory of the Neo-Conservative Project for the New American Century too the pro-war Foreign Policy Initiative. He served the administrations of U.S. President Ronald Reagan too George Bush Sr.

Michael Morell – who lately declared involvement inwards killing Russians too Iranians inwards Syria as the armed services of all 3 nations struggle Al Qaeda too militants of the so-called Islamic State – also serves as an adviser. He has worked inwards the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for over thirty years, too is currently a senior counselor at Beacon Global Strategies – an organisation that appears to specialize inwards professional person warmongering – amongst other onetime U.S. State Department, Department of Defense, too CIA employees.

Kori Schake is described as having assisted with policy for the White House, Department of Defense, too the State Department as good as serving as senior policy adviser for John McCain too Sarah Palin during their 2008 bid for the White House

Michael Rogers, a onetime U.S. Representative for Michigan too a Republican along with Admiral James Stavridis who helped wage President Bush’s wars too also serves as an adviser for the above-mentioned Beacon Global Strategies assist circular off the advisory board.

It is security to say that the bulk of this solely anti-Russian propaganda organization, eagerly promoted past times American liberals, consists of Neo-Conservatives many of these same liberals at ane indicate rightfully rejected, opposed, too vehemently condemned as they sold series wars of aggression during the Bush administration.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 similar list of Neo-Conservatives too long-time warmongers fills out the “Committee to Investigate Russia” (CIR) who lately made headlines when they hired veteran thespian Morgan Freeman to appeal to audiences’ emotions rather than their intellect.

CIR includes Max Boot, James Clapper, too Norman Ornstein who occupy diverse seats too positions at corporate-financier funded mean value tanks ranging from the Council on Foreign Relations to the Center for a New American Security, to the American Enterprise Institute all of which percentage sponsorship from big-oil, big-defense, big-banks, too big-industry – inwards other words – Wall Street.

Other pop-up anti-Russian fronts possess got similar boards of directors, representing similar interests, too are similarly too real ironically, finding fertile the world amongst American liberals who at ane indicate inwards recent history opposed the real kind of state of war propaganda at nowadays existence sold versus Russia.

Wall Street, Not Moscow Controls the White House

The the States possesses consists of representatives from these Wall Street corporations too fiscal institutions – many of them representing the same interests who composed onetime U.S. President Barack Obama’s management too who would possess got composed Hillary Clinton’s management had she prevailed inwards the 2016 election.

These interests include large banking institutions, the defence manufacture too big-oil. While supporters of President Trump blame the “deep state” for his inability to brand practiced on motion promises, too opponents of President Trump blame “Russians” for his apparent disregard for America’s best interests – it is clear that Wall Street is responsible for both – as it was during President Obama’s management earlier him too for decades earlier him- too as it would possess got been had Hillary Clinton won the election.

Who is Buying?

The notion that Russian Federation holds to a greater extent than influence over the White House than the multitude of powerful, corrupt multinational multi-billion dollar corporations too fiscal institutions upon Wall Street is at human face upwardly value absurd. These interests, however, come across an chance to jettison responsibleness for the most negative aspects of policy implemented nether the Trump management past times implicating Russia.

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They are able to arrive at this past times exploiting anger too frustration next the 2016 presidential election – regardless of the fact that virtually all of President Trump’s “decisions” including expanding wars inwards Syria, tensions with Democratic People's South Korea too Iran, as good as imposing crippling sanctions on Venezuela were all policies pursued past times President Obama too promoted eagerly past times Hillary Clinton both inwards her role as U.S. Secretary of State too on the motion trail.

Angry too frustrated Americans who powerfulness otherwise endure tempted to delineate the coin too motivations underpinning the Trump administration’s flawed policies to Wall Street, are at nowadays existence intentionally diverted with accusations of “Russian” interference.

Instead of exposing too condemning corrupt corporations similar Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, Exxon, too BP, or fiscal institutions similar Goldman Sachs, Americans are looking for Russian influence that merely does non exist. Nearly a twelvemonth afterwards President Trump stepped into office, no pregnant show has emerged implicating Russian Federation or fifty-fifty providing a cursory explanation as to how Russian Federation has managed to eclipse Wall Street’s influence over the White House.

It is some other unfortunate representative of emotions too ignorance prevailing over suspicion too due diligence. Many are at nowadays really concerned regarding “Russian influence.” Others are opportunistically joining this modern twenty-four lx minutes menses witch hunt for notoriety too attention, piece others soundless are merely paid lobbyist similar those lining the advisory boards of the “Alliance for Securing Democracy” too the “Committee to Investigate Russia.”

What Americans Should Really Be Doing

The White House is supposed to stand upwardly for the American people. Instead, it represents Wall Street. The corporations that constitute Wall Street savor the wealth too influence they currently agree because Americans are easily diverted from recognizing too addressing this unwarranted concentration of power. While Americans struggle themselves too phantom Russians, they locomote on paying their monthly paychecks into these corporate-financier monopolies, enhancing Wall Street’s command over a White House that is supposed to belong to the people.

Should Americans spot aside their witch hunt for “Russians” too recognize the truthful interests asset powerfulness over the White House, they may discovery mutual the world that transcends race, religion, too fifty-fifty politics long plenty to expose too address the disparity of wealth too influence inwards America that has existed too divided the American people long earlier President Trump took office.

Emotional appeals to the populace featuring Hollywood actors, graphs too articles laced with weasel words such as “likely,” “apparently,””allegedly,” too “possibly,” too fifty-fifty outright disclaimers admitting naught resembling show underpins accusations should instantly provoke suspicion too investigation – non blind hysteria. The real same interests who sold lies regarding Republic of Iraq too “weapons of bulk destruction” to American conservatives to initiate a state of war of aggression that left a 1000000 Iraqis dead along with thousands of U.S. troops is at nowadays selling similar too as baseless lies to America’s liberals regarding Russia.

Both conservatives too liberals discovery themselves the target of manipulation too exploitation past times special interests who arrive at non stand upwardly for the best interests of either political group. In that alone, mutual the world exists.

Those who oppose the policies presided over past times U.S. President Donald Trump involve non covert them. Indeed, they should vehemently oppose them – however, they must spot the truthful special interests influencing these policies on Wall Street rather than chasing phantoms those who claim they be know volition never endure constitute or caught inwards the far-off Kremlin.

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